About GELS
The Ghana Education Learning Space is a community of education stakeholders dedicated to improving learning outcomes for children and young people across Ghana.
We typically hold learning sessions online (via Zoom) to ensure that we can offer the greatest level of participation from across the community. We usually run sessions for 1 hour and often have multiple organisations taking part. These sessions are a chance for participants to learn from the experience of others, ask questions and share ideas. The tone is conversational and we keep PowerPoint slides to a minimum.
So far, we have held learning sessions on the following topics:
- Results-based finance and the implications for projects, finance and M&E (with Plan International and School for Life Ghana)
- Exploring the evidence and experiences in understanding and addressing the challenge of out-of-school learners (with Associates for Change)
- Exploring Communities of Excellence (with UNICEF)
- Exploring the experiences of teachers/leaders in relation to professional development (with ICS Ghana)
- Building leadership in the classroom (with Lead for Ghana)
- The Role of Headteachers in Supporting Kindergarten Teaching and Learning (with Sabre Education)
- Looking at a model of real-time data gathering with Luminos Fund and IPA Ghana
Further sessions are planned and we welcome suggestions for future topics that would be of interest to our community.